Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Series Two - Health Care: Introduction

The next series on this blog will focus on health care in the United States. It will cover a range of issues that are not focused on in the mainstream political arena, particularly the unequal access to health care, the inadequate quality of health care and the health disparities that exist in the U.S. I will look at how these issues are discussed (or not discussed) in politics in general and in the upcoming election.

When politicians do address health care, they mainly talk about lowering costs, improving efficiency in spending and getting more people covered. While the uninsured population is a huge concern in the U.S. and should be discussed, there are many other issues in our health care system that do not get the same kind of focus. These issues can be just as bad, or even worse, than lacking insurance.

The series will also look at the U.S.'s health care system in the context of the other countries' health care systems. There are other countries that our leaders could learn a lot from (good and bad) when seeking to improve the U.S.'s health care system.

Also, many of these postings will be cross posted on two other blogs - the Daily Kos and Scoop08. Please look at those if you get a chance.

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